Full Moon 2023

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Full Moon 2023

The full moon is a fascinating celestial phenomenon that has captured the imaginations of people for centuries. It’s a time when the moon appears in its full glory, casting a soft, silvery light across the night sky. But the full moon isn’t just a beautiful sight to behold – it’s also a powerful time for spiritual and energetic work. In this article, we’ll explore the unique 13 full moons of 2023, different types of full moons, what they mean, and how you can use the full moon to clean your crystals.

Dates for the rare 13 Full Moons for 2023:

  • January 6th: Wolf Moon
  • February 5th: Snow Moon
  • March 7th: Worm Moon
  • April 6th: Pink Moon
  • May 5th: Flower Moon
  • June 3rd: Strawberry Moon
  • July 3rd: Buck Moon
  • August 1st: Sturgeon Moon
  • August 30th: Blue Moon
  • September 29th: Harvest Moon
  • October 28th: Hunter’s Moon
  • November 27th: Beaver Moon
  • December 26th: Cold Moon

Each full moon has its own unique name and significance. For example…

  • The January full moon is known as the Wolf Moon, named after the howling of wolves that was traditionally heard during the long, cold nights of winter.
  • The February full moon is known as the Snow Moon, as this is typically the time of year when the heaviest snowfall occurs.
  • In March, we have the Worm Moon, named after the worms that start to appear as the earth begins to thaw.
  • The April full moon is known as the Pink Moon, as it coincides with the blooming of pink phlox flowers.
  • May brings us the Flower Moon, named after the blooming of flowers during this month.
  • June’s full moon is the Strawberry Moon, named after the ripening of strawberries.
  • July’s full moon is known as the Buck Moon, as this is when deer start to grow their antlers.
  • August’s full moon is the Sturgeon Moon, named after the large fish that were abundant in the lakes and rivers during this time.
  • September’s full moon is known as the Harvest Moon, as this is traditionally the time when crops are harvested.
  • In October, we have the Hunter’s Moon, named after the time of year when hunters would start tracking game.
  • November’s full moon is the Beaver Moon, named after the time of year when beavers start to build their dams.
  • Finally, December’s full moon is the Cold Moon, named after the chilly weather that typically accompanies this time of year.

Each of these full moons has its own unique energy and meaning, which can be harnessed for spiritual and energetic work. For example, the Wolf Moon is a time for embracing our wild nature, while the Snow Moon is a time for introspection and self-reflection. The Worm Moon is a time for renewal and fresh starts, while the Pink Moon is a time for nurturing and self-care. The Flower Moon is a time for manifestation and abundance, while the Strawberry Moon is a time for celebration and joy. The Buck Moon is a time for strength and courage, while the Sturgeon Moon is a time for inner transformation. The Harvest Moon is a time for gratitude and reflection, while the Hunter’s Moon is a time for releasing what no longer serves us. The Beaver Moon is a time for creativity and inspiration, while the Cold Moon is a time for rest and restoration.

One powerful way to work with the energy of the full moon is to use it to cleanse your crystals. Crystals are powerful tools for spiritual and energetic work, but they can also absorb negative energy over time. To cleanse your crystals, start by placing them outside under the light of the full moon. You can do this the night before the full moon, on the night of the full moon, or the night after the full moon – whichever feels most appropriate to you. Make sure your crystals are in a safe, secure place where they won’t be disturbed or damaged. As you place your crystals outside, set the intention that they will be cleansed of any negative or stagnant energy. You can also use this time to charge your crystals with positive energy and intentions.

The full moon is a fascinating and powerful force in our lives, and learning about its different phases and meanings can deepen our understanding of the world around us. Whether you’re an avid crystal collector or simply someone who appreciates the beauty of the night sky, taking the time to connect with the moon and its energy can be a truly transformative experience. So the next time the full moon rises, why not take a moment to step outside, gaze up at the sky, and see what kind of magic it holds for you?

The metaphysical properties of crystals and stones are not a substitute for medical or professional advice. The information we provide about these properties is purely for educational and informational purposes. We do not guarantee any specific results from using crystals or stones. If you have a medical or emotional concern, please consult with your healthcare provider. We do not endorse any particular crystals or stones as a cure or treatment for any specific condition.